Monday, December 10, 2012

Serenitize Me

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

I do not claim to be wise by any means. I know that each struggle I face is an opportunity for me to become stronger. In the past, I have made bad decisions in response to repeated struggles; these days, my efforts and intentions are to respond in the best way and to make correct choices. It is by the grace of God that I stand on any day, but especially on days like today. One moment at a time; that’s how I’m doing today. One breath at a time. Choosing not to run, not to retaliate, not to take out my frustrations on myself… those are the right choices for today. There is a scripture about thinking on good things; thing that are true, honest, just, pure and lovely. Lord, please help me to think that way today. Please help me relax so I am not a tight rubber band waiting to snap or fly at a moment’s notice. Relax, to breathe, to take one moment at a time. I should not hold “rollover” stress, accumulated from one moment to the next. Lord, please help me to let it all go. Finish one moment and close it up, then move on to the next. I do not need to resolve incidents from each moment; just let them go and move forward. Please help me to live detached. Help me to focus on You and You only.