Saturday, September 3, 2011

I Hear the Rain

...and the air-conditioner... so at least the power is still on. :) Supposed to be a pretty ugly storm this weekend. Actually I think it has already grown big enough to have a name. Let me google that... yes it has become Tropical Storm Lee. Greetings, Lee.

I stayed last night at my friends' house. Just didn't feel like chillin at the trailer solo. I appreciate my awesome friends Julia and Kathy. They are always so kind to me. Like extra moms :)

So I woke up this morning fron an odd dream. In this dream, I had been up all night helping a friend on her job. She works for a funeral home. So, the dream. It became morning, in the dream, and I needed to go meet her to help her finish from whatever she'd done the night before. But I was stressin because my vehicle was very dusty and dirty, and I didn't want to show up in that at the funeral home, especially among all the people who would be there, dressed nicely for a service. I was stressing and sweating this.

Finally these two dream-fictional guys she works with (not real-life people; I have no idea who she works with) came up to me and were like man, we HAVE TO get over there! Come on, you can ride with us, just come on; we have to go.

And I woke up from that dream feeling the distinct impression that I have been sweating this friend far too much. I could look up the dream symbolism but I can pretty much bet that it'll say I'm stressing too much over her, what she thinks, what she would like or not like, etc etc. Gotta BREATHE. Gotta step back and BE. And not get all wrapped up in this sitation she and I have begun. It's a great situation, and my mind is right; I'm not crushin on her nor am I feeling IN LOVE or anything crazy like that. It's cool. I just need to make sure I don't overthink it all. I like her a lot; as a person and a friend. And the B of the FWB... deserves its own universe of honor for its awesomeness, let's just say... but I gotta keep it light. Gotta keep it light-HEARTED. Or seriousness will suck all the fun right out of it.

I appreciate dreams. :)