Monday, February 21, 2011

The Jesus Thing

Hippie is sitting in my lap as I type this. Sweet lil boy. :)

So, we had a minor disagreement this evening. We had met, there disagreed, and drove home separately.

The whole drive home, I defended myself verbally "to her" while I was in the car alone. I laid out the whole case, why I was right, and even added a few things she'd done before that *I* hadn't liked.

But deep down, the truth was, I knew I had been in the wrong. A few points on the topic could have gone one way or the other; just details... but the underlying fact was that I was wrong.

I got home, brought Luna outside on her leash. She got home and we made pleasant small talk. I was feeling frustrated, and a little guilty.

So I was walking Luna, going over my points with God in a hushed voice. All of a sudden, I caught a breathed reminder in my mind... because I have been praying lately, "Lord, let me be more like You. Let my life be a reflection of You. Make me more like You." etc. And I said, "Oh yeah, Lord! The Jesus thing!!"

Suddenly my whole attitude changed. All this prayer to be more like God, and there I was screwing up a major "WWJD" moment. My attitude lightened up, I felt positive, and I went home and delivered a thorough, sincere apology.

And things rolled right back on track. I'm a little sleepy and I don't know if this is coming out right, but it was good. God is very good, and on my side even when I'm wrong... helping me make it right. Awesome.