Sunday, August 17, 2008

CC's Illustrated

She has the voice makes me think she might would rather be drunk

Or maybe is, often...

Loud, nasal, draaaaawn out... clanging and sharp like New Orleans

They talk about parking backward outside the apartment to keep from

banging the driver's side door of the car

on the post

She wants to bring Dante downstairs next weekend

but is afraid he will slip on the floor and get hurt

He is more rational; calm, someone I would rather be around

Patient with her; I guess he is used to her ways

"Let's go. It's too much money oalready," she says, gesturing with her


As I sketch the guy behind them

sitting in the corner

on his cell phone

I'm making him funny colors because he makes me feel funny...

When I first walked in, he

looked at me too long

so I shot him...

a dirty look. heh...

They're gone

I'm almost finished

Yet barely have I begun what I want to get done while I'm here

I had to reboot my computer so I

pulled out my colored pencils

and started creating my own world in the meantime.

The girls at the table behind me are


discussing life

and how she did it the long way

and how it sounds good.

College students.

"And I was, like..."

I wonder if I like people much at all sometimes

or if I just need to find something else to do

but they are everywhere


and we must co-exist

whether or not they

scrape my nerves

on this nice

Sunday afternoon

as I sit

and listen

and wonder.