Saturday, January 26, 2019

SEVEN K today!!

I ran 7K today!  Granted, my pace was slow.  This past week, I ran 6K at 7:07 min/km... today's 7K was at a pace of 7:54 min/km.  I think partly it was a psychological thing... because it's the farthest I've run in a long time, maybe that knowledge had to do with me starting out more slowly... overall going more slowly... and walking more.  BUT I did it.  And that is GOOD!

My total time today was 56:07.  Which isn't BAD... I've just been hoping to take on that 10K I've signed up for in a few weeks and finish in under an hour.  I've still got some time to train and work hard, but that might be a little too pie-in-the-sky.  I don't know.  At any rate, whatever time it takes me to finish, I am going to feel a great sense of accomplishment for COMPLETING my first 10K in years!

Just wanted to put that on the record.  Now I need to hit the shower... even Luna won't come around me!  hahaha
