Saturday, January 13, 2018

Step Outside and Breathe Fresh Air!

For you have rescued me from my troubles
and helped me to triumph over my enemies.

-Psalm 54:7

There are SO many cool and awesome things I could write about, and plan to, sometime soon I hope... but I just read this verse.  Read it a few times, actually, and had some interesting thoughts as a result.

I asked myself WHO or WHAT were my actual enemies.  The first things that immediately came to mind were depression, anxiety, nervousness, fear - things like that.

After thinking for a few moments, I had to conclude that all these enemies are INSIDE me.

The best way, then, to get rid of these internal enemies, would be to step... OUTSIDE... me.

I used to date someone who would at times ask me, "Nicole, are you in your head again?"  That was one of the best things I got out of that relationship.  Balling up in the confines of one's own mind cannot be healthy.  The air in there must get stagnant, and all you would see would be the same ideas and thoughts over and over.

I learned to get OUT of my head, so to speak.  Outside of that enclosure was and is a vast array of OTHER thoughts, fresh air and FREEDOM.

So.  If my enemies are inside me, I just need to step OUTSIDE for fresh air, fresh thoughts and fresh perspectives.

The challenge now will be putting that into practice.  The process is bound to be one of trial and error but, if I keep at it, I have hope that it will become a habit.  Like, "Whoa, it is dank and a little hopeless in here.  Let me step out because this is no good for me."

Perhaps forming this habit will be one of those rubber-band-on-the-wrist psychological  practices.  (I say that only half-jokingly...) but I feel inspired to work at making - not merely an option or a habit - but even an instantaneous REFLEX, to step out of the mess going on inside my head and enjoy all the zillions of other, better things life has to offer!

Wishing you the best in your own life's journey!
