Sunday, January 1, 2017

My New Year

Happy New Year!  Years ago I quit worrying about resolutions and started making goals.  I do better with general goals than with all-out ultimatums.  As time has passed, I have also learned that I fair better staying away from modifiers like "always" and "every."  Those tend to be overwhelming for me which has usually led to discouragement, guilt, and quitting.

So.  I do what works for me.  You, too, should do what works for you; not what works for someone else.  God made us all unique, yes?


So, this year, my goal is to read the Bible more.  Not to "read the entire Bible in a year" or "get up extra early every morning and read the Bible" or even to "read the Bible every day"... just... "more."

Because I have not been in the Bible much at all, lately.  Here and there, yes, but I do need it more.

There are changes I would love for God to work in me.  I believe getting the Word in me will help those processes a LOT.

So.  I am going to try to read the Bible more.  Starting in Genesis and moving forward.

I would also like to make notes along the way, for things that stand out to me.

I would also like to, sometimes, share those notes in my blog.  Hopefully you will find them encouraging, or at least interesting.  *grin*

So, I have started today!

And, here we go.  Here is some of what has passed through my mind while I read the Bible today.


January 1, 2017

Genesis 1:1-

I question this now that I’m older.  I know and believe God created everything.  But creating the sky to separate the waters of the earth from the waters of the heavens?  Back, way back, they thought the earth was all there was.  Now we know about the solar system and orbits and stars… and, in our atmosphere, we know about clouds and rain and storms… Now we know that clouds form and hold water that eventually falls back to earth, and there are no “waters of heaven” outside our atmosphere; just space and darkness.  It’s dry out there.

V. 11 Then God said, “Let the land sprout with vegetation—every sort of seed-bearing plant, and trees that grow seed-bearing fruit. These seeds will then produce the kinds of plants and trees from which they came.” And that is what happened.

True and consistent in animals and people, too.  Like produces like.  And, in humans, children grow up to be like whoever raised and taught them.  Maybe not JUST like; there are exceptions.  I just mean as far as habits, tendencies and personality.  

HOWEVER… verse 12 says that “God saw that is was good.”  So it’s good, that we grow up the way we were raised.  God has purpose even in the tiniest of details.  It is good, and God sees that.  I think it pleases God.

On the 5th day, God created fish and birds.  On the 6th day, God created mammals.  I wonder why it was in that order.  Maybe it was progressing toward or building up to creation of humans.

V. 26 is the first mention of God as more than one; it says, “Let US make human beings[fn] in our image, to be like us.”

V. 26 goes on to say, “They will reign over the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, the livestock, all the wild animals on the earth, and the small animals that scurry along the ground.”

So God rules over us and we rule over the earth.  God is into training leaders.

V. 28 - Then God blessed them and said, “Be fruitful and multiply. Fill the earth and govern it. Reign over the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, and all the animals that scurry along the ground.”

V. 30 is the first time God speaks to what God has created.  Before that, God just spoke out creation; now there is the foundation for a relationship with God.  

Then God said, “Look! I have given you every seed-bearing plant throughout the earth and all the fruit trees for your food.  And I have given every green plant as food for all the wild animals, the birds in the sky, and the small animals that scurry along the ground—everything that has life.”

Genesis 2 - God did not rest until all God’s work was done.  I need to put this into practice, myself.

So the creation of the heavens and the earth and everything in them was completed.  On the seventh day God had finished his work of creation, so he rested from all his work.

V. 3 God thinks rest is VERY IMPORTANT.  I’m liking this.  LOL

And God blessed the seventh day and declared it holy, because it was the day when he rested from all his work of creation

So, God likes us to complete all our work, then God really wants us to get plenty of good rest and relaxation.  I am REALLY liking this.  :)

Here is the Garden of Eden:

Image result for where was the garden of eden geographically

Which, today, might look similar to this:

Four river of Eden paths

So, maybe around present-day Israel or Lebanon or Syria.  But no one knows for sure; what we have are educated guesses by educated people.  But they all reach a general consensus of the area.  Cool.


And there you have it! More to come. Have a fantastic year of growth and love!