Sunday, November 22, 2015

New Year's Revolution

Yes, I'm already working on coming up with a resolution for this new year, 2016. I like to decide ahead of time, so I can think about it before I'm up against the wall of having to make quick decision.

A few years ago, I made my New Year's resolution, "Love, Don't Judge". That made a huge revolution in me, in my behavior and in how I perceived other people. I wasn't perfect at it, but mostly when I saw someone, if I started to have a negative thought about them or fuel dislike toward them, I would quickly reprimand myself mentally and tell myself to love, not judge. I prayed a lot to keep this mindset and, as the resolution transitioned into a habit, it made a great difference in my life.

So, it was a revolution... not just something I resolved to do. It changed me.

This year, my desire is to speak less. That is the simplest way to put it. I have noticed in myself a bad habit of saying many, many words, most of which are unnecessary. They do not throw around words like Mardi Gras beads but, for the most part, only say what is necessary. I have observed them thinking more than speaking, and only speaking when it is time to do so. I hold immense respect for these wise friends.

I make so many mistakes and commit so many errors when I just run my mouth. Much of the time, I just need to shut up. I need to say less, love more, think things over more before I decide which words to actually say.

I think, honestly, that will keep me out of a lot of trouble... haha... and hopefully produce character in me that pleases God.

I am learning that words can kind of be an enemy to me...? Something like that. Anyway, that's what I'm working on.

One thing I wonder: Will my efforts to keep excessive or wrong words from coming out of my mouth... lead to a decrease in their forming in my mind in the first place? I hope so. I think one thing I can do to help will be to put good things INTO my head consistently, in order to improve the quality of what comes out

How about you? Any thoughts about your New Year's Revolution?