Sunday, March 2, 2014

In the Aftermath

Hillsongs United has a song called "Aftermath." It is a powerful song that gives me the feeling of having had a huge storm wave crash over me and finally reaching air, taking that first deep, frightful breath... kneeling there in the wet sand, looking up for any spot of light I might find, confused, dazed, and... grateful.

I went through what felt like a category 5 hurricane this week. I don't know what set it off and I don't know what perpetuated it, though I can make a few spiritual guesses.

Without going into elaborate detail about what I went through, the ups and downs, the tears, the questions, the insecurities screaming inside me, I would like to step to the next level of all this and share what I have learned.

I would like to share what I KNOW.

Number One: I KNOW that God has specific plans for me; plans to prosper me and not to harm me; plans to give me a future and a hope. That verse in Jeremiah 29 actually says GOD KNOWS the plans He has for me.

God knows His plans. I just know that He HAS plans, and that they are GOOD. And I choose to trust Him. I trust Him with my life. I don't know what turns my life's path will take, or why certain things happen, but I know it will end with a good result. God knows what the good result is. I don't, but I trust Him to take me to that good place, and I trust Him that whatever road I am on right now is the right road.

Number Two: I KNOW that all things work together for my good. Because I love God. Because I am called according to HIS purpose. Note that it does not say all things ARE good. For instance, not every ingredient mixed in to make a cake tastes good all by itself. But all those things mixed in TOGETHER come out with a very good result. Here is another opportunity for me to trust God. "Lord, I don't like this experience in my life right now but I know that, in the end, a good result will come, and I TRUST." We have to trust God wholeheartedly in the HERE AND NOW, because He is taking us down whatever certain path to reach a very good place.

Number Three: I want to LEARN; both from the Bible, from the Spirit in prayer, and from other people I see seeking God with all their hearts, minds, souls, and strengths. I pray for these people, that God will bless them and help them to stand strong as leaders and as ministers in their own capacities. I am so hungry to learn and grow. I feel like a Timothy in search of a Paul, in some ways. God has blessed me by putting 3 women of God in my life that I am learning from. They may not even know I am learning from them, but God uses their lives to teach me. These women, I'm sure if I asked they would readily confess to the entire world, that they are FAR from perfect... just seeking God, growing and seeking and trying just like me and you and many other people. I'm not putting them each on their own shiny pedestal; I am looking for the JESUS in them.

As I was writing this blog, God has also been impressing me with another concept... just as He uses people to teach ME, He will also use ME as a role model for others. In 1 Timothy 4, Paul writes to Timothy: "Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity." I need to keep in mind that God wants to use me as an example for others.

It's PURPOSE. Everything in life can be traced to God's PURPOSE. I've come out of my storm with greater understanding of MY purpose.

God showed me, I can either think something would be a good thing to do, or I can DO that thing!

He blessed me with a sister in the Lord who encouraged me today that people around me appreciate the gifts God has put in me. I don't say that to brag; quite the opposite, I say that humbly out of gratitude! I felt really down on myself this past week and hearing that was life-giving to me!

I heard a pastor say recently that we are all uniquely gifted. In my state of mind last week, my thought was, "Really... ME??" But the answer is YES, YOU!! Look at these verses from I Corinthians 12:

"There are different kinds of spiritual gifts, but the same Spirit is the source of them all. There are different kinds of service, but we serve the same Lord. God works in different ways, but it is the same God who does the work in all of us."

Verse 7 of that chapter is very specific: "A spiritual gift is given to each of us so we can help each other." God has given us gifts SO WE CAN HELP EACH OTHER.

Chapter 12 goes on to elaborate about the gifts of the Spirit, what they are and what they can do. I encourage you to read it for yourself and pray about it.

In my life, I feel lost without a sense of purpose. I was struggling this week to keep my head above water in regard to this concept, but I feel like I've found it again. I am ready to move forward from here.

I have a lot more praying to do. I have a lot more learning to do. I just feel like I'm at a new starting line, for a new segment in my life. I am excited and ready to go!! However, I need to maintain the maturity to go it at GOD's pace. Not run off on my own, but trust Him to walk me down this road, take HIS turns, at HIS speed.

I feel a quiet calm inside me when I think of that. It's very wonderful.

God has a good plan for me. I don't know all of it, but I see some of it, and I trust Him to execute that plan in my life.

All things are working together for MY GOOD, because I love God and am called according to His purpose.

I am learning. I am looking for examples to learn from, and pray to keep an awareness that God can use me as an example for others.

So how about you? What have you been through lately, and what have you learned? Where are you headed? In what ways has God gifted you so that you can help other people?

Think about it. Pray about it. It's REAL, and it is TRUE. It is true for You.

Here is a link to the Hillsongs United song I referenced at the beginning of this blog post. Please take a listen. Be blessed, and be refreshed.

Storms come. Sometimes we are hurt, sometimes we are confused, sometimes we are lonely. But look up! Because there are good things in the aftermath.