Monday, July 22, 2013

Bring Your Blog to Work Day... Volume 1

Just some thoughts I put down during my day. Please leave comments if you find any of it interesting or if you have an opinion.

8:31 a.m.

This is the first day of my week with no phone. I could **PROBABLY** squeeze together the money for a phone card but… a week being, to whatever small extent… “off the grid”… seems pretty appealing to me.

This morning I took Luna out to pee and noticed the middle-eastern guy who lives in the apartment above me, outside on his balcony using a laptop. I wondered if he was doing that so early because of the time difference between here and wherever he was from, talking to his family. I’ll admit the question of a terrorist plot did flash through my mind but I didn’t grab onto that thought. Some thoughts, you need to let keep on walking through your mind and out the other side.

I also wondered if I could get his internet password so I could connect through his service. Probably won’t ask; that’s such a scrubby thing to do. Like I said above… I could **PROBABLY** scrape together the money to pay for my own internet in my own home, but… why? I can go to the public library or a coffee shop anytime I want and use it for free. All in the name of saving money. Though I bet what I spend on coffee shop beverages each week probably equals out to what I would pay for my own internet service at home. Hmmmmmm…… interesting thought.

Yeah so, in the mornings, things move pretty slowly in my area at work. Mid-morning til around lunchtime, I will be rocking and rolling. Anyway. I’ll get off here (this high-tech MS Word document I’m typing since my blog website is blocked here at work) and try to look like I’m doing something more productive. Which will probably involve actually doing something productive, which isn’t so bad because it will look good to the boss.

I’ll update later.

1:55 p.m.

Got a lot done today. Pretty much through with the largest part of my job; just the tidying-up things to do.

I’m feeling a little bummed. It comes and goes. I am planning to work out after my official workday ends. That will probably up my mood. Ahh, friendly chemicals. Haha I don’t WANT to work out, but I will force myself because I have to, HAVE to work out in order to not gain tons of weight. Kind of a swimming upstream mentality I have to live with… push forward as hard as you can or you will be dragged backward… but I really have no other choice if I don’t want to become superfat. Ehh… anyway…

We start Mondays 30 minutes earlier so I could actually be done at 3:00… though staying and earning overtime is a possibility. But I’m thinking being done at 3 sounds really nice.

And after my workout, I can go to the library and post this blog. Ta-dah!!

3:09 p.m.

Well since we only get paid in completed 30-minute increments, and since it’s past 3:00 and I just finished doing some last-minute things that came up, I suppose I will be staying ‘til 3:30. Just a few more minutes; not too bad. Cause me, I doan works fa FREE, no! *insert Cajun accent* haha

Need to go make sure a few last-minute things are done… things that we all get yelled at if they’re left undone, so I do them, and I feel pretty certain that if I left these things undone and counted on one of these guys to do them, they would not be done… grrr… anyway. I don’t mean to be a hater, but it seems like, if they think someone else will take care of something for them, those people forget all about it without a care in the world. Yet I do the daily this and that's... because if it's left undone, we all get chewed out. And I hate that so much. Call it... partially preventive maintenance with a dash of passive-aggressive resentment. hahaha

Okay, enough ranting. Signing off… until next time!