Thursday, December 13, 2012


God is amazing. He is completely faithful to provide all the things I need… materially, financially, relationally… God is good in every way. This is just what’s in my heart and I need to set it free. I have never done without something I truly NEEDED. Maybe I’ve had to do without something I WANTED, but never a necessity. Even if the provision wasn’t in the form I’d originally thought of, a way was made and whatever needed to happen… happened.

When I didn’t have money for food, a friend surprised me by taking me out to eat.

When I didn’t have money to pay rent, I was given a new place to live for free or for cheap.

When I was lonely, I was sometimes sent a friend and sometimes given the company of a dear and sweet pet.

When I needed clothes, maybe I couldn’t buy something brand new at the mall, but I have honed the skill of effective Goodwill shopping.

When I didn’t have a car, I learned to use the bus. I got to work and got where I needed to go, just in a different way than I would have usually thought.

When I didn’t have a job, I was given “a” job – a source of at least adequate income even if I had to stretch it – even if it wasn’t my dream job right then. Maybe the timing was different in God’s plan than it was in my mind. God knows.

I could go on and on.

But I think you get the picture. J