Wednesday, February 15, 2012


I wonder if I decided, firmly and resolutely, to quit my job... if I would get a promotion.

Because I decided, firmly and resolutely, to quit looking for someone to date... and merely days later, I find a quite remarkable woman making her way deeper into my life.

I mentioned her in my last blog... the one who I wasn't sure about my feelings for...

Something happened over that weekend! She was out of town and perhaps absence made my heart grow fonder?? Who the heck knows. But I have had a marvelous life in light of her these past few weeks.

We started off both admitting we were hesitant to get into a serious relationship. We agreed to take it slow; not call it anything right away. We agreed to just take it one day at a time. As these days have passed, every one has been very good. Days keep getting better and I'm so glad to finally be involved to this extent with someone who isn't constantly reminding me, "Don't get attached!" and "Keep your mind right!" Instead, she returns my affection, fully backed with the emotions one would expect to be present in such a form of relationship.

Trying to stay grounded... not get my hopes up too much... but enjoying each day that passes, each "one more very good day" we add to our stack.

I am so happy around her. We have very vast differences in our lives- childhoods, families, heritages, educational experiences, first languages- and I've wondered if that would pose too great a problem. So far, it hasn't - so far, I find her differences fascinating. I love talking to her, asking and answering questions, sharing stories. We often find we are thinking the exact same thing, and our passion is beyond intense.

I have loved the two mornings I've woken up beside her. She is art, music, crystal, diamonds, linen and all things fine. She is my breath of fresh air on a crisp morning. She is my warm hug at the end of the day.

I think she might be my "wow." :)