Monday, April 18, 2011

How Do You Spell Utter Disgust...

I have been sitting here for a good 20 minutes struggling with how to word a "no appropriate words" facebook message to my horrible ex. I would write something, then regret it, then write something else, then think how I should really stay above all of her disgusting nonsense...

Anyway, I decided to leave it alone and vent here, in my own personal blog.

I am disgusted and sickened and kind of hurt... though I don't want her back, not at all... it just sucks to have it rubbed in my face, her plans to go for a vacation to Florida to visit my NO LONGER friend... I am sick ad furious and horribly disgusted and I know I keep using the same words over and over but DAMN IT WHAT ELSE DO I SAY?!?!?!!!!

Poor sweet Hippie got hurt today. I had told her I would help pay his vet bill... but I'm not paying for it if she's going to Florida. If I pay for his bill, I GET TO KEEP HIPPIE!! But I don't know how to adequately communicate that to her. No appropriate words. I am furious and I already took a shower so I can't go for a run to burn it off.

I am sick. Sick, sick. I don't know what to do. I just wish I could hit refresh and re-start my life without her in it at all.