Thursday, May 27, 2010

Blah I feel today. It's like life has this awful habit of balancing out at zero. Good things happen, but bad things seem to accompany them and drag my state of mind right back down. At least I have the good things, though... otherwise life might just be a little too overwhelming.

I swear, one thing I hate about life is that everything seems to revolve around money. You have to have a job... so you can pay MONEY... rent, utilities , vehicle , food... and if you make any mistakes in this world, you pay for it with MONEY... therefore you no longer have ENOUGH money to pay for rent, utilities, vehicle, food... then if you lose your job, you don't have money coming IN to pay OUT... and the big "THEY" want to take away your home, utilities, vehicle, food... it's so shitty... you can't even file a contest against a civil claim unless you have MONEY to pay a fee... even justice costs. MONEY.

That is a very depressing concept. I could go on and on because this is huge on my mind along with a load of other things, but I will try to find something else to occupy my mind with.

I got a job this morning... but it's far, far from my house and is going to cost me so much in gas , I could still be broke as a poke. But at least I will break even if I'm careful with my funds.

See? That's what I mean. I have a job!! ...but it will cost me more than it's worth to make the commute.

Whatever. Caring takes too much energy. I will just do this life stuff one day at a time. That's a little more manageable................