Sunday, July 27, 2008

Little D and Me

Sweet thing... Little D is lying to my right on this bed. Might not sound like such a big deal, but I feel emotion over it. She came to lie there last night while I was lying in bed sniffling. In the dark, I thought it was Taz at first... but when I reached over to touch this anonymous feline friend, I discovered it was D.

She has warmed up to me a lot more just in this past week. When I first met Little D, she was very skiddish and jumpy. Now she will lie still and let me pet her as long as I am willing, and will even roll over so I can pet her tummy. Sweet lil girl... we just needed some time to learn each other.

We both had sniffly noses last night and were making the same sounds with our breathing. It was cute; made me smile. I hear her rignt now, breathing through her little stuffy nose, oblivious to the world and to Rocco's morning ruckus in the other room.

And... we have now reclaimed the top portion of this bed as a GIRLS ONLY area, ha! I don't think Taz cares a bit, though, as he is in deep slumber near the foot of the bed on Little D's side.

Love me some Little D.