Saturday, February 2, 2019

Fool Me Once... We're Probably Not Doing Business Anymore

I was supposed to go again today to that writers' group... but I changed my mind.  I don't feel like it.

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I hope I don't get in a rut in my life where I stop feeling like doing things.  Like, I REALLY need to run today.  I hope I feel like it.  (I mean, that's funny but it's also not...).

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I just started reading/listening to a series of novels by J. A. Jance about a woman who got fired from her job as a T.V. news anchor because, having turned 40, the network decided they needed a younger face.  This is the "Ali Reynolds" series and I must admit I was hooked early on!

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Jance knows how to keep your interest and never lets up.  These are the most ridiculously action-packed stories you could dream up; stuff just KEEPS HAPPENING to this woman, like "Fast and Furious" meets a Vin Diesel movie.  Crazy! 

Anyway so, in the first book in the series, Ali's son set up a blog for her once she got fired... to give her a voice and to giver her something to do.  So she started blogging and instantly had zillions of followers.  Then she started blogging every day and got lots of comments and emails and developed conversations with her devoted followers.

The blogging happens throughout the stories but is not the main focus of the plot.  Anyway... it made me a little jealous, ha!  Well... maybe say "motivated"... to blog more... in hopes of more... what... more people being interested in what I have to say??  Funny, I guess.  My average views per post equals about 15.  So I have a ways to go.  I advertise on Facebook AND Twitter... I mean, come on!  LOL

I don't know how to draw in more readers.

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I also don't know how to make better money on eBay.  I have 9 things posted right now and have gotten bids on ONE thing.  I thought I could devote some time to eBay-ing and bring in a little extra money.  But, so far, eBay has not proven exceedingly lucrative.

I learned of a site called - its a site that sells store returns, shelf-pulls, etc. for what comes up to about a 95% discount. 

You buy the stuff in bulk so one buy (including shipping) will often cost you a few hundred bucks, sometimes under $100.  But you end up with close to $2,000 worth of stuff in some cases!  So I thought, "Hey, I will invest in this stuff and sell it and make TONS of money!"


Then Common Sense came strolling up and told me I should look around my house first and sell stuff I already have... then, when I run out of... ahem... INVENTORY... then I should buy more stuff to sell.  I couldn't argue with the logic there.

I must confess, however, that I did make what they call in football a "false start"... jumped before the ball was snapped... and I made an unwise purchase.  I saw where it said, "pallet of merchandise from Bed Bath and Beyond" and it said "$60" and I said, "YEAH!!"  But that was dumb.  Because, turns out, I think this "pallet" contains merely ONE item for $60.  And I have no idea what it is. 

Further investigation showed me that most other sets of stuff have a MANIFEST listing WHAT SPECIFICALLY YOU ARE BUYING... and it's usually a long list of a lot of stuff.  So, yeah, not feeling too smart about that.  Geez... 

So, I don't know what is headed my way but I did unfortunately win the previously-confessed auction... further confession... the cost of shipping was more than twice the cost of the mysterious item so... come Monday, a freight truck should be dropping a very heavy something in my driveway.

Ever feel pretty stupid??  Eh... live and learn, I guess.

I will let you know what it turns out to be.  I hope it's AWESOME... but I'm not getting my hopes up.  HA!!

Maybe I'll go run off some of my frustration now.  Hee hee hee...

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