Sunday, October 28, 2018


Mic 6:8

"No, O people, the LORD has told you what is good,
and this is what he requires of you:
to do what is right, to love mercy,
and to walk humbly with your God."

I read this verse this morning.  I have heard it before; its words are familiar.  Today, I was struck with curiosity; I wanted examples of those things God requires of me.  So I set out in the landscape of Google to find practical examples of HOW... to do what is right, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with my God.

The following is what I found:

"The answer to Israel’s sin problem was not more numerous or more painful sacrifices. The answer was something much deeper than any religious observance: they needed a change of heart. Without the heart, Israel’s conformity to the Law was nothing more than hypocrisy. " 

(The following is from <> )

"Acting justly requires action, not mere talk. Speaking about injustice...  may make me appear caring, but words do nothing to ease the pain of those suffering. Biblical justice is never divorced from acts of love and mercy."

"Facing insults without retaliating; forgiving for the umpteenth time; graciously bearing the consequences of someone else’s sin; reaching out to the lonely, neglected or addicted without expecting anything in return. This is what loving mercy looks like."


"God created all people in His image (Genesis 1:27). Intelligence, beauty, and physical ability all come from Him. So, no person is worth more than another person. I walk humbly with God by valuing each life and respecting all people."

"As well, God entrusted the care of the earth to people (Genesis 1:28). Seeing ourselves as stewards — not owners — keeps us from exploiting the world for our profit. Protecting earth’s beauty and carefully managing its resources are ways to walk humbly with God."

"As I recognize how much God has shown mercy to me, humility empowers me to act justly toward others even when they don’t treat me the same way."


Dear Lord, I desperately need that change of heart mentioned above.  Please change my heart.  When I feel slighted, please still within me the fire to get back.  I really have a problem with passive aggression.  Please snuff that out and change my heart.  I am made in Your image; I hope people will see You when they observe my life.  I know I will never be perfect... but I'm asking You just to help me get BETTER.  One day at a time, and each day can be better, with Your help.

I love you and I thank you for doing what is right, showing endless mercy and walking PATIENTLY with me.  Please change my heart.  Please forgive my wrongs, and make me more like You.  Thank you so much.  AMEN!
