Friday, July 8, 2016

Quite a Fine Friday

I had a really great day today!  I did a LOT but, having done all that, I feel great afterward.

At work, I had to clean the grody floor of the room they're going to convert into a new office for me.  (Remember saying "grody"?  Like in the 80s? Haha

Here is what part of the floor looked like before I got started:

And here is what it looked like after I finished:

Some lines remain- they are rust; this part of this room used to be filled with metal shelves.  Like for centuries.  But with bleach, water, a mop and a LOTTTT of elbow grease, I got the deed done.  Plus a high-powered hose and a drying fan (seen in the 2nd picture).  I like completing jobs where I can SEE what I've done.  That feels good.

I sweated BUCKETS.  Seriously.  I drank tons of water and it came right out my skin.. Haha.

THEN, after I finished that, I got the crazy idea that I wanted to go to CrossFit.  Crazy?  

Maybe.  Haha

Maybe I was just in the "flow" of being active.  Riiight.  But, whatever, I went and did MORE activity.  Warm-up (which is a workout of its own rite) then 2 other workouts.  The first workout, we did something called a Hollow Hold which is laying on your back, back flat to the ground, and lifting your straight legs and arms, shoulders off the mat, hold for 30 seconds.  Then double unders... Which is, jump roping, but bringing the rope around, under your feet, TWICE, during one jump.  That is CRAZY and I did SINGLE-unders.  Set of 30.  Then 10 Kettle Bell Swings.  Which, for me, were more about getting my form right than about strength.  I used a wimpy kettle bell... Literally, it was PINK.  But anyway.

So those 3 things, the whole set, over and over for 12 minutes.

THEN (yes, there was more) we did twelve lunges - everyone else held a barbell at their shoulders, I just used my body weight.  I could not have handled more.  Haha.  Then 24 Toes to Bar... Hang from a chin-up bar, raise your feet up and touch the bar.  And, again, because I cannot DO that... YET... I just lifted my knees as high as I could.  Ta-dah.  Don't be a hater; I'll get there.  Anyway, three sets of those two things.

So I'm only on my 2nd workout.  I have miles and miles of room to grow.  I choose to think of it that way; just unlimited potential.  Hahaha

And THEN I came home, finished mowing the back yard, watered the garden and all the flowers, and gave Luna a bath.

BAM.  I am DONE.  And my weekend is free so I can either do whatever I want, or be as lazy as I want.

Gotta love that.  Hehe

My head is killing me.  For the second night in a row.  Gotta figure out why this is happening.  Might be sinuses, having to do with allergies.  All I know is, it hurts.

I love my Lena and our fur family.  Gonna be a great weekend.  Have a good one, yourselves!