Saturday, July 2, 2016

Friday Night Lights... And sleepwalking??

Wow.  Last night, I went to bed at 11.  Got up at 5-ish this morning, worked 6:30-4.  And now it's past 11:30 at night and I'm still kickin.  Okay, not kickin; I'm laying in bed trying to stay awake.  Next to my sleeping most beautiful woman in the world.  Luna on the floor, her choice, I bought her a very decent bed.  Hippie laying against the side of my calf, Leroy hangin tight at the bottom corner of the bed.  I believe this is my favorite night of the week.  Stay up as late as I want then sleep as late as I want tomorrow.  Yessss.  :)

Jimmy Fallon is doing a great job with the Tonight Show.  Tonight I actually get to stay up and watch him and, if I can stay up, I will watch the guy after him.  Seth Myers.  Right now, the guy from The Voice is singing... Just heard his name but it now escapes me.... Oh yeah Blake Shelton.  Seems like a song about his new Gwen.  They seem really happy together.  I hope it works out for them and lasts.  Truly.

So I've been listening to these lessons on making your dreams happen.  I'll tell you, my dream is to not have to worry about money so I can spend my time doing things that matter to me, maybe for small pay or maybe just as a volunteer, freedom to live life pouring into others with needs, both people and animals..

So I thought, get a bunch of rental houses,, live off of that.  Take great care of my properties and my. Tenants,,  spend the rest of my time LIVING LIFE.   Now. It boils. money.    Which boils down to careful saving,, lots of prayer, and. Creative. Ideas on how to. Get that money more. Quickly than just with. The job I. Have now.

**No idea why. This keyboard keeps throwing out. Periods. And capital letters but I donT feel like. Correcting. All that.   You'll get it. Through context.  Anyway..

Just wanted to touch. Base.   I'm sleepy. As arag doll and. About o fffff


Okay, now it's the next morning.  7:42 a.m.  I woke up in the other room.  On the sofa in the room I call my "office."  Thing is, I don't remember going there. And no, I wasn't drunk.  I remember setting this tablet down.  I don't remember turning off the tv or remember the last thing I saw on tv.  I don't remember going to the other room or why I went there.  When Lena wakes up, I'll have to ask her if I did anything weird because I have no idea.  Pretty freaky.  This is the first time I have woken up in a place with no recollection of how I ended up there.  Freaky........