Sunday, April 20, 2014

Life These Days

If I seem to have fallen silent lately, it‘s because I‘m sorting through a lot in my head.

Some changes are going on in my family of origin. Plenty of hurt being flung in all directions.

I feel scared some, lately.

My happiest moments are spent with Lena, and there are not nearly enough of those moments.

Work is sometimes stressful. I do have interview number 3 soon for a great new position with amazing pay. Feeling pretty good about my chances there, but still nervous.

I kind of want to hide out for awhile, thoughI realize that is neither practical nor possible.

I need to dig into what I know is a safe, secure hiding place... the arms of my Savior and the truth of God's word,

So glad it's Sunday for a good many more hours, and I can relax and rest my mind.

I'm grateful for Easter and for Jesus. I just feel like I'm standing on an unsteady place with wind whipping around me... and I'd really like something strong to hold onto.

Maybe part of the lesson here is for me to sense and trust that Something Strong is holding on to me.