Monday, March 18, 2013


Took a lunch break earlier. Ate, read some in a great book by Carlton Pearson about the extravagant inclusiveness of God's love. Got up, threw some trash away, started to pack my things to get back to my desk when... I felt that little "tug." The little tug where God whispers, "Stay just a little longer... I have something to share with you."

So, I sat back down and re-opened the book I was reading. Great book; I could go on and on about it... and I read a few sentences before... I heard humming.

There was a girl seated at the other table in the small break room. She had work spread out on the large table and iPod earbuds in her ears. And she was softly... hummming.

God said, "Listen."


I lowered my head and stared at the tabletop, noticing how comforting that simple sound of humming felt. Relaxing. Calming. Almost soothing. Very quiet; I couldn't even make out the melody... but it was so nice. Like a mother humming to her baby.

I thought, "Comforting."


Then, BAZINGA, in speaks God. :) *insert big smiles* "You are called to comfort."

For years, I have felt called to "minister" to hurting women. But "minister" is such a broad term and such a... such a "church word." Today, I had that defined for me a little more specifically. How wonderful!

I am called to comfort.

I am called to bear shoulders that absorb tears, arms that give hugs and, most importantly, EARS THAT LISTEN.

I am called to... keep doing what I do, but to also pay more attention. Be more INTENTIONAL about it, maybe. Keep my head up, my eyes open, my heart tender so I can... NOTICE more. Wow. That feels great. *insert more big smiles*

I am not going to allow myself to mentally expound upon what God spoke to my heart... analyze it, amend it, arrange it, interpret it... I'm going to just take what He said and... sit still.

I am called to comfort.

One verse comes to mind... that verse in the New Testament about comforting others with the comfort with which we have already been comforted... comfort comfort comfort, haha... I don't know it word for word but I get a sense of it. It's nice.

I love God. He is so sweet.

Be comforted today.

Be still and know that He is God and, as my grandmother used to say, "It'll all work out."

It will. :)