Thursday, June 9, 2011

Pet Wabi-Sabi

Sitting here, agitated that work is not over yet. I am grateful for my job. Just ready to go home for the day. I’ve been pretty fidgety today.

I don’t think I could ever achieve a true state of Zen. My mind is going 90 to nothing almost 24 hours a day. It gets to be exhausting.

One issue figured out today: what to do with the cats. I absolutely can NOT take in stray cats right now. It’s a horrible domino effect… take in one because I feel guilty… take in another because I feel guilty for taking in one and not the other… etcetera etcetera. Mercy me. I can’t do it. One day maybe I will get a place with a big barn that I can fill with stray cats who need a place to call home. The walls of the barn will be lined with low feeding troughs kept filled with every variety of cat food. And there will be NO LITTER BOXES!! Which is the beauty and genius behind having OUTDOOR cats.  Then I will never turn away another homeless cat.

For now, I will feed them when I am able and spay/neuter when I have the resources. But I have to keep my home in order or I will go crazy.

And especially right now, Hippie needs peace of mind while his leg finished healing. My poor sweet little guy. He comes first. Period.

Ha… I suppose I need to maintain a state of “Pet Wabi-Sabi.” Not too much; just enough, kept neat and clean yet allowing for natural imperfection. Luna’s shedding adds continuously to that state of imperfection. Haha And keeping the litter box scooped when necessary contributes to the clean aspect. Totally. I believe I have just come up with a new theme for my home life. Have to tell Cheyenne. 