Thursday, July 17, 2008

Anything is Possible

I got the greatest breakthrough in my thinking this evening! I've been reading a great book a friend had recommended to me. What I "learned" was not directly written in the book; I gained the understanding while I was thinking about one of the concepts the book presented.

ANYTHING is possible. You do it by breaking it down into tiny steps; as small as you need. You pace yourself and focus only on each small step, each small piece of what you want to accomplish. Bit by bit, cumulatively, you can accomplish or overcome anything. You take the huge stuff, and make it a bunch of tiny stuff.

Things that look like mountains can be conquered one pebble at a time if necessary. I would love to earn my master's degree in social work but have always found the entire goal overwhelming. I've always thought there were just too many preliminaries to get to the point where I actually started classes or, even further out, was handed the degree. But it is not impossible! And now, having admitted that, I'm running out of excuses for not taking steps toward getting started.

I miss Carrie. I cannot bring her back instantly; I have to be patient and wait. But I can wait one day at a time, one half a day at a time, or even one hour at a time if it got that bad. That may sound a little ridiculous, but I'm just trying to make a point.

If someone were trying to break a habit... don't look at it as breaking the entire habit; look at it as, I can avoid this behavior (or whatever) for the next hour. Then take on the next hour, and so on.

I am excited and very encouraged. This opens up a wealth of opportunities; there are no more walls. My theme/key phrase lately is, "Focus on the POTENTIAL, not the limitations!" THIS concept, however, throws a whole new spin on that line of thinking.

Life is good. And it can get as much better as I want it to. SWEET.