...to Smoothie King,
and then to the Main Library on Goodwood
where I am now.
(Listened to a RadioLab podcast while I walked. It was about the beginning and development of the show Candid Camera - it was really interesting! Check that out here: RADIOLAB
My Fitbit wants me to take 10,000 steps a day. Depending on the particulars of a day, I usually end up with about 5,000 when I leave work. If I go early to Crossfit
On any normal Saturday or Sunday, I move so little that sometimes I don't even break 2,000. Seriously. Right now, I'm at 8,464.
So here I am at the library, had several things I wanted to do here but can only remember 1 or 2 or them. Such is the life.
One thing that's been on my mind a lot lately is AGE! I am 42. I weigh about 20 pounds less these days than I did over the previous... 10 years or so? I'm in better shape, yada yada... but I'm FORTY-TWO!! Like EVERYBODY around me, a lot of the time, is younger than I am! I don't ever want to hear someone refer to me as "that lady" - I like being "that girl." My eyes are a little puffy, I have a few wrinkly places on my face, a couple of sun spots, and I find the occasional grey hair... I don't like it at all! The people I work out with, a lot of them, I could be their freakin' MOM! That is SO WEIRD and I DO NOT LIKE IT AT ALL!!!!!
But that's one of those things I can't do anything about. So I'll have to find ways to cope. Maybe I should read up on things like "embracing my age" or whatever. That is definitely one thing that has me agitated a lot lately, though. Errgh..
At LEAST my putting so much effort into working out is like... preventative maintenance. The stronger I make my body, while I am easily able to do so, the stronger it will remain when I get (*cough*) old.
(See, Amber... I listen... LOL!)

(Y'all COME WORK OUT WITH US!!! We have an awesome, brand-new building, a top-notch staff I like to plug as often as I have the chance, and a program that will be scaled to your individual needs and abilities from day one, forward! Yes, it's hard work... but it is SO WORTH IT and, for what it's worth, a lot of fun!)
Okay, that will conclude my Geaux Crossfit commercial for today. (Click the link!! haha)
Not much else to say today. I just missed blogging so I wanted to poke my head up and say hi, like Punxsutawney Phil.
And now, I believe, I am seeing my shadow.
I love the weekends.
Take care, y'all!!