Monday, March 2, 2009

A Day in the Life

La la la, I wrote this throughout my day at work and emailed it to myself. Now you can take a peek inside my world.

I concluded today, for the first time after around 15 years in the workforce, that I do not like sitting in an office. Great revelation, wouldn't you say? Ahh, to work for a moving company and carry furniture around all day...

When I become an art therapist, I hope for an interesting and diverse workday. But until then...

8:26 Just got here a few minutes ago. Waiting for computer program to run so I can have my work started before me. Got a Starbucks on the way. Should not have spent the money and don't need the fat; maybe I'm being defiant in some small way, heh…

9:13 Listening to a bunch of songs from a CD I burned at Honeywell. Downloaded a bunch of free songs… the ones I'm hearing now are just pretty dumb-sounding. So I'm deleting them from my computer and will someday re-burn what I have decided I like. Starting to itch for a break….

10:25 Took a break. Trying to work and focus. Trying to convince myself just to burrow down in it and do my day, then I can go home.

11:15 I have a hard time sitting at a desk for this long. My days consist of times I can step out for some reason, interspersed with times of sitting here banging out stuff on the computer. Rah rah… I think I might take lunch soon. :o)

12:04 Took lunch, feel better especially after seeing on my calendar that daylight savings is Sunday!! More daylight!! YEAH!!!!!!!!! :o)~ Awesome.

12:33 Deadlines motivate me. I have been asked to have "this and that" done by the end of the day and now I feel driven. Goals motivate me. I am good to go now!

4:19 I have been working pretty steady but I'm just deciding I don't feel like it anymore. To celebrate the first day of my first day of working flex, I'm just going to leave… now! :o)

And NOW, I am at home with my lovely love and my sweet pets, about to eat an incredibly tasty dinner. Still feeling a little poopy, but making do. Hasta la vista.