Monday, January 27, 2014

Complimentary Colors and Prayer

This month and next, I am taking a leisure class on beginning acrylic painting. We meet every Sunday afternoon in a really cool building on LSU campus.

Yesterday, one of the things we talked about was colors. There are the three primary colors and, for each of these, there is an "opposite" color called its complementary color. The complementary color for red is green; for blue, the complementary color is orange; and for yellow, the complementary color is purple.

Complementary colors are the colors that look best next to, or best "complement" its primary color. I found it interesting that a color's opposite is the best match to it, to create the best "flow," you could say, for a painting.

Fast forward to today. Today, when I got home, there was a business card from the Sheriff's Office taped to my door. Immediately my heart lodged in my throat. I don't know of any crimes I've committed... I had a car repossessed about 6 years ago for which the case was never officially closed... but I have no idea what THE LAW wants with me. My mind started racing... what if it's this, what if it's that... etcetera.


Praying, praying. Praying. Taking long, deep breaths.

Then came the "eureka!"

Just like the opposite of a color is its complementary color, it occurred to me that the opposite to a negative I'm trying to pray away... is ITS complement.

The direct opposite to fear? I think that's... the most exact thing I could think of was SECURITY. That just felt "right." So I prayed for security. And I felt a little more peace, and a little more, and a little more. Now, I'm feeling pretty calm and pretty much... better.

What are you facing right now? Pin down a name for the main feeling that issue gives you. Now, think about the feeling that is most directly OPPOSITE of that feeling. And pray for that opposite... for that complement, to take how you're feeling and make it better.

Everyone might identify different feelings and different opposites for those feelings. However, here are a few ideas of opposites to some common ("primary") feelings you might face:

Anger... Calm

Hurt... Healing

Anxiety... Assurance

Depression... Peace

These are just a few ideas. Think of your own also. Your feelings and their complements may differ from one situation to the next.

The main thing to remember is that God is on YOUR SIDE. He is on your team; he is your coach, your parent, your partner, your Love.

I hope these ideas helped you to pray, to feel that you've prayed effectively, and to see results.