Genesis 15:6 - "And Abram believed the Lord, and the Lord counted him as righteous because of his faith."
Abram. He would become Abraham, the father of many nations... but at this point in the story, he was just Abram, a guy alone out in the rough wilderness at a crude, hand-built altar he had constructed as a place to worship the Lord.
God was making huge promises to Abram... I will make you this, I will give you that... yet there stood Abram, all by himself and empty-handed.
God had promised him more descendants than he could fathom... and Abram was getting on up there in age... yet still had no son to be his heir and further his family line.
"God... well... I mean... HOW?"
God promised, and the Bible tells us that Abram BELIEVED. And it infers that God was pleased with Abram's belief.
God sees the BIG picture... way more than we see. God has plans for our lives and knows exactly how these plans will work out. We don't often see the "how"... we just hear the "what." God has it all planned out. We need only to BELIEVE Him, go about our lives as usual, and trust that what God has promised will come to pass at the time HE has designated.
Have you ever made a promise to someone? Maybe a really big promise. Maybe they had no idea how you would fulfill this promise... but YOU KNEW exactly how it would all happen. Maybe you felt excited just imagining the look on that person's face when you presented them with what you had promised!
How would it feel if they didn't believe you, blew you off, got mad and went to sulk?
But how would you feel to know they BELIEVED you and had confidence in your ability to do what you had said you would do? In short, you would be pleased. You would appreciate the confidence they were placing in you.
God has made some really big promises to you. You might not be able to imagine HOW those promises will come to pass, but ask God to give you the faith to BELIEVE.
Then enjoy the peace that follows as you wait for that kept promise to show up in your life.
We are very small little beings. God is a BIG God! And God ALWAYS keeps His promises.