At the end of the service, I prayed while Pastor Keith was talking about the communion. "Lord, x-out my emotions... let your heart flow straight through me to the people I pray for...". I love serving as a prayer partner at the end of services.
I feel like, and pray, that my prayers are prophetic. That they don't come out of my head, but straight from the mouth of God's Spirit. I also know that I am so much happier when my life is doused in God so I'm going to keep praying for that and actively seeking it.
There was a theme in the prayers today: HEALING. God kept saying He uses our wounds to make us fit to convey healing to others. And as, out of our need, we give God's healing to other people, we receive double that in healing from God within ourselves.
I have also been praying for opportunity. Today in church I was thinking, wow, it would be so hard to leave here... and I felt God say with a smile on His face, "You've been praying for opportunity! You need to be ready and prepared when I bring one your way!" Meaning, it could be any form of opportunity (I was initially thinking long the lines of EMPLOYMENT opportunities... but I am reminded... God is bigger than that...) - any form of opportunity, and it could place me anyWHERE! I have an excitement deep in my middle now. God REALLY WAS LISTENING when I prayed that! Heh... kind of like, well DUH Nicole, what'd ya think? But I needed that reminder. I appreciate that excitement and anticipation. I needed a fresh sense of anticipation in my life.
I want to research the concept of "Canaan" because I believe in that lies a lesson for me. :)