Saturday, May 21, 2011

Don't Be Afraid to Change Directions

Today finds Luna and myself out on the covered patio at CC's on Airline/Bluebonnet. It's a nice day as long as I'm in the shade. I am forever grateful for coffee shops with covered patios WITH electric outlets :)

Earlier, I was at my church, MCC-BR. Scheduled was a craft group, what my Baton Rouge Creativity Outlet has morphed into. No one showed up, which really didn't bother me because I decided to spend some time praying. Last week's service was so wonderful, and I want it to be like that again!

While praying, I felt an impression of God saying, "Don't be afraid to change directions." No expounding on that; just that sentence. I felt it was for me and also for the church, so I texted it to Pastor Keith. Now I will learn over time what it means for me, and he is free to explore it as he feels inclined. :) God is so good.

I know one thing that word meant for me- moving on from my former relationship, though it was and still is very hard, is going to have very good results in my life. I need to let go of the guilt, separate myself from the hurt, move forward and be open to 1) whatever God uses me for and 2) whatever new things/people God brings into my life.

I feel very relaxed today. Good; I needed that. And I love sitting here, listening to the traffic pass, feeling the wind, and having my sweet Lu at my side... with a water bowl for her should she take the notion to be thirsty. :)