Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Prime Pittsburgh

Hiya. I am here, it is cold and so far it is awesome. I think around 29 degrees today, wind chill about 27. Freezing rain tonight; supposed to snow Thursday. Apparently I am told I will grow to hate the cold but, being as it's my second full day up here, I'm still loving it.

Not so much desiring to drive... you know how they all make fun of us southerners; when it gets icy or we have a handful of snow, entire cities shut down... well that's because few of us have much experience DRIVING in those conditions. heh... Well Pittsburgh and surrounding areas... it's all mountain-ey... or hill-ey... hell I'm from Louisiana so this is mountainous to me. So every road you drive on has a guardrail to protect you from certain death or at least maximum embarrassment... and lots of rivers and bridges which of course ice over like it's something fun to do. So I will be passengering it until the wet cold at least becomes somewhat more of a dry cold. The COLD itself, however, is not a variable here; rather, just which KIND of cold you have that day.

Last night I walked Luna down this street in Monroeville where Carrie's mom and stepdad live. It was a long way downhill and, consequently, a LONG way back uphill. People here never need to pay for a stairmaster or even any gym membership. Ask my hamstring muscles, heh... nice. I might do a hill or two a day; come out of here looking all sculpted and impressive... though most likely whiter than I have been before.

I love this. Love being somewhere different and having time to just BE... be me; be helpful to Carrie; be an observer, a writer, a photographer, an artist. Watch out... I might fall in love with this. :o)

In a few minutes, Carrie and I will head over to her Baba's house (her grandmother's house; her family on that side is a mix of Russian and Croatian so that's what they say instead of Maw-Maw... hehe... it's prouounced like "bubba") to set up the pets; we'll be mostly staying over there, working in the house, coming around here some and, as I have been duly informed, drinking a LOT. Good times.

Gotta run for now. I will keep this blog as updated as I can with whatever time I have internet access. This is going to be a definite chapter or two in my life story. I love Carrie and love being here with her, where she grew up.

Jambalaya, Crawfish Pie, Me-o-My-o... Son of a Gun, gonna have some fun in the snow!