Thursday, January 22, 2009


A contemplative smile rests on my face as I consider, not for the first time, how the beginning and ending of a day are barely distinguishable from each other. In a comfortable, warm bed in this old mine home in West Deer Township, I was looking through the window's curtain gaps at the greys and blues of yet another Pittsburgh daybreak. I like it here.

We're supposed to get a break from snow over the weekend. Up here, in the winter, they call it "warming from severe cold to just a little chilly" when it gets up into the mid-30's. In Baton Rouge, this same temperature range is referred to by meteorologists as "dropping down into the 30's" and "cold, cold, cold - bring in your plants and pets tonight!" haha Of course, in Baton Rouge, I never spent a week in temperatures ranging from the teens to single-digits.

I'm thinking I like extremes. I like Dallas summers and Pittsburgh winters. Anything in-between seems like a waste of weather. Baton Rouge is totally a "middle" zone. It gets pretty hot in the summers (as well as humid...), and a little cold in the winter but maybe for a consolidated two weeks if you're lucky.

Dallas had summers that were much more dry and had patches of time where the temperature was above 100 degrees. However, the winters there were a bit lackluster... it would get cold as hell, a biting cold, but seldom produced a respectable amount of snow.

There is plenty of snow here. ha ha ha.................

And this is REAL snow... not the wet, soppy kind that plops to the ground every couple of years in Louisiana.

Maybe that's just an attitude problem for me... where I am is always better than where I've been. Or maybe that's a good thing; I am able to embrace and appreciate what is new and different instead of pining away in the mire of longing for what used to be.

Carrie is still asleep. She took a sleep aide last night and I'm letting her get as much out of it as she can. Her back has been hurting, she's had a lot of stress to weather, and her sleeps have been fitful at best. I'm glad she's resting.

We do have a lot to do today, though, once she is ready. Characteristically, I have a list in a notebook... that is so "me," heh...

I am very proud of my having cleaned out the refrigerator downstairs. The power was shut off here for a good bit of time and the inside of the fridge coated itself pretty well with a black mold. Mr. Clean and I dove in there and I handled it just like Rosie the Riveter would have. I still have a sink full of shelves and door-compartment-pieces in the sink, but the inside of that rig is CLEAN... "lickable," as I put it to Carrie. ha ha...

(Though she would not lick the refrigerator... but then, I wouldn't have, either...) *grin*

I have washed and replaced the bottom shelf and the two crisper drawers that hang beneath it. I do a little at a time. All toughness aside, it is pretty damn gross... hehe

Well, enough about refrigerators.

I'm sitting at the table in the upstairs kitchen. My computer battery was running out of juice and there was not an outlet (to my knowledge) near enough to the bed for me to type in there. I'm in here, cats traipsing in and out, and I'm looking at Rocco... and I'm thinking to myself, I better get out of here before he decides to start screaming. I know him well by now, heh... he's picking through his feathers now, much like a cat would lick all over to clean itself. Once he's done, his mouth will be free for noise-making... he would not understand that I'm trying to let Carrie sleep in. Little turd. hehe

Let me get going. Just needed to write for a few.

Signing off,
Your Newly-Declared Official Steeler Fan

ps.... here are a few more pics

Luna at Carrie's mom's house a few evenings ago:

One of Vladimir's favorite sleeping spots here at Baba's:

Nic & Rocco partying in the morning light (yesterday):

Vladimir in the bedroom window:

Rocco & Carrie kissing goodnight...

Vladimir, up-close and personal:

Little D watching Carrie in the upstairs kitchen...

Check out this groovy DJ station in the upstairs living room!!

Vladimir looking out the living room window:

And, finally, deer tracks in the snow that I saw this morning. Don't have those where I'm from!