I've started this project in quatrain style... but the Bible is a LONG road to travel, so I venture to guess I might switch from one style of poetry to another from time to time. THIS is complete freedom; complete artistic liberty - and I THRIVE on being in a state of ART SANS BOUNDARIES!
So. God is creating and I am following right behind, working on a creation of my own. I love this. It's like... God and me together; laughing, being creative and having fun. SWEET.
Granted, going through the Bible and putting it into my own poetic translation is a LOT slower than reading straight through (which was not fast in the first place). HOWEVER: doing it this new way forces me to analyze every sentence, phrase and word. I'm still in Genesis 1, but I've already learned tons more than by just reading for the sake of reading.
This will be an interesting project.
SO. Today, in my reading and writing, I read Genesis 1:24. It goes like this:
"Then God said, 'Let the earth produce every sort of animal, each producing offspring of the same kind—livestock, small animals that scurry along the ground, and wild animals.' And that is what happened."
Here is where I felt pause: "Let THE EARTH produce every sort of animal...". Huh?? Here we are in day 6 of creation. It's been, "God said, 'Let there be...' and 'God made' and 'God created'"... and now God says, 'Let the EARTH produce..."??
Okay... how did that work? Did animals form up out of mud on the ground? Did sea creatures (which were created on day 5) mutate and evolve into land animals during day 6? Did plants morph into creatures that breathed and moved around freely? All that is purely conjecture but... do you see what I mean?
I've even looked up online commentaries and all I've found is a Zeitgeist (everyone expressing the same thought, independently) which cumulates in a group shrugging of the shoulders. As in a group consensus of "we're um really not sure what that means."
Which could take me down two roads: 1) I could get frustrated by and hung up on that one portion of one verse - or 2) I could skip forward happily, seeing that I've found yet another opportunity for artistic liberty!

Guess which one I chose... LOL...
Any thoughts/ideas?? I would truly value any thoughts/insight/bits of speculation. Please comment below OR on my Facebook page OR even email me at myleroyfontaine75@gmail.com
"Let the earth produce..."
What do you deduce
From this phrase in this maze
I believe it's all TRUTH...
Just hard to see through the haze...
This train is a phrase
Help me build a caboose!!
As a final note, while searching for pictures to illustrate this blog post, I came across a cartoon drawing of an element fart. It made me laugh, so I want to share it with all of you. Have a great Sunday!