Today I wanted to share something I have learned from that "still, small voice" from such a GREAT God... God almighty is unfathomably enormous but part of God is the gentle, sensitive, tender and soothing Holy Spirit. The Spirit is the part of God who speaks in a still, small voice.
Recently, I was taking a moment to pray. I found myself just tossing out empty "church phrases"- clusters of words a lot of church people (most all of whom have the best of intentions; I am not at all trying to be a hater) toss out in prayer. It's like their own little language (yes, I used to be among them...), some of which they/we might not even totally understand the meaning.
One example: "Father God, I praise You that I am washed in the blood of the lamb" really means "God, I am so grateful that Jesus died on the cross to pay the ultimate price for all the sins in the world." So why don't just say that instead of trying to encrypt it so we feel more holy? One more- "I was led of the Lord" boils down to, "I had a strong feeling that God wanted me to do (this or that.)" Come on; let's get real. Right? Right!!
So, like I said, I was praying a little one morning and I heard myself tossing those phrases out like handfuls of Mardi Gras beads... when I stopped myself and apologized.
"Lord, I'm just praying empty words. I'm sorry. You already know what's already in my heart so I'm just going to sit here and be quiet and listen for You."
As soon as I said that and stilled myself, I distinctly heard/felt God's Spirit say to me, "Yes, I do know your heart and your distinct heartbeat." It was like... God was saying the heartbeat of every person beats out its own unique rhythm; its own unique song. Kind of like when people can identify a bird not by seeing it but just by hearing its the sounds that bird makes. As soon as God hears my heartbeat, God knows instantly that sweet beat and melody are coming from Nicole; God's ears perk up and a huge smile takes shape!
(Same goes for you! And ALL God's creations!)

So find a quiet place. Be still, and softly tell God you're listening. Then let your amazing heartbeat song soar up to where God is! God's own heart will beat a song right back to you.
God's duets with each of us are every one unique, unmatched and beautiful!
And now, to underline all this blog entry has said and to remind you of it when you hear this song, I present to you the phenomenal Kelly Clarkson!! LOL Love y'all... remember, GOD has the final say in any situation!