As in, you feel this, you feel that, and that is ok. Make room for all your feelings. Don't stigmatize some feelings as "bad" and try to shove them away; that just starts a whole mental loop and the feelings you've told yourself not to feel just seem larger and larger.
It's like saying, "Don't think of the color green." So which shade of green just appeared in your mind? LOL
Feelings represent needs. I was feeling all gushy-grateful and maybe feeling a little clingy toward a doctor who was extra-kind to me.

But I felt ashamed of having those feelings of gratefulness almost to the point of... I don't know; it was just so nice to feel taken care of; I was the lost, scared, hungry puppy someone found, fed and wrapped a blanket around, then the puppy followed them home. But I felt ashamed of those needy emotions and felt anxious because I "should not ever" tell her about it. I mean, come on; that's embarrassing to say out loud!

I'm going to look up some Bible verses on comfort. And you go find some verses that will help YOUR needs today! Get a Bible Promise book (a small book listing verses grouped by topic or by needs people have). Or, Google "Bible verses about...". Can't hurt; it can only help!
Have a great day! I pray all your needs are met and you are able to make room for all your feelings, processing them in a safe and healthy way. God has every answer you're looking for! You just have to take the first step and look - and ask - for those answers.