So, let me tell you about my day. I went to bed around 7 last night, got up at 3 a.m. this morning and then drove to the New Orleans airport in the WORST FREAKING RAIN EVER!! I Google Mapped my way to the parking lot where I've been planning to leave my truck. When asked, "Covered or uncovered parking?" while the raindrops fell steady, my of course response was, "Covered!"
Little did I know, the COVERED parking area was FULL OF WATER. So, it wasn't falling from the sky, no no, it was several inches' deep on the ASPHALT. So, down went my Asics. And I stood there, as per the website, "waiting to be picked up by the shuttle" to take me to the airport. The shuttle came in, circled the parking lot slowly making WAVES... and drove right past me as I stood there waving my arms. So I trudged through the water, LUGGING NOT ROLLING my Tuesday Morning suitcase, back up to the entrance booth and asked, "So where exactly am I supposed to get on the shuttle?"
By my vehicle, she told me. So I freaking splashed my way - in the rain, which had not even almost stopped - back over to my truck and stood in the water a lil longer.
Sorry. I'm tired from getting up so early.
Anyway, so I got to the airport, snagged a pair of dry socks out of my suitcase before I checked it.
But I didn't get any shoes.
So... this:
And I got a coffee and a muffin at PJ's.
In due time, we took off and had the bumpiest, roller coastery-est plane ride I have ever had in my life! Seriously! It was the weather. But we made it okay, and landed at Ronald Reagan Airport.
I took a SIX MINUTE CAB RIDE that cost me TWENTY DOLLARS... I mean... what?? Anyway. Now I'm here at the Wyndham Arlington Pentagon Days Inn...
Aaaand... this my room:
And, it just so happens, I'm right down the street from THIS fine establishment:
I walked a few blocks down the street in search of food. Found some!!
Ate half, took half with me for dinner. And they gave me a rose and told me Happy Mothers' Day. haha
Stopped on the way back and bought some coffee, some water, and two Mega Millions tickets -
There's a handy gas station/convenience store right across the street. Here's the hotel from over there. Definitely not in Baton Rouge today!
Now I'm in my room, all showered and comfy. Watching tv - I got to see Hangover earlier; love that movie! - and I'm soooooo tired!!!
Good first day of my work-cation. Tomorrow I go to a different hotel near Andrews Air Force Base. Every time I hear that, it makes me think of JFK's assassination. Because they flew him in there. I mean, that's where Air Force One is parked; every President flies in there. But it just always does make me think of JFK.
I actually flew in a day early. Getting flights and hotels was all last-minute. I flew today out of MSY because Monday flights were slim pickins. Like, flights that mostly had three legs or were at crazy times of day. So I came early and paid for my own hotel tonight. Bonus for me, I get a whole day tomorrow to do WHATEVER I WANT! Yaaaay!! Training starts Tuesday. Tomorrow is MINE.
I think I'm going to the National Geographic Museum... maybe Chinatown. Maybe Dupont Circle. It will be a day full of happy.
'Nite all!