In the dream, I was on a trip with a group of people from my workplace. We were checking into an enormous, very fancy hotel... stories and stories up. The building was round with a center atrium open from the floor all the way up to the skylight at the top- so high, it was barely visible.
(Kind of like this:)
I spent a long, frustrated time scurrying around with all my luggage, trying to find my room which I had been told was on the first floor.
Exasperated, I finally went back to the front desk to get clarification on where I was supposed to stay. Turns out, my room was on the 64th floor! No idea how I had gotten that so wrong, I shrugged and started out again, this time in search of an elevator.
On my way to find the elevator, I ran into my friend Monick. "Monick," I said, "if you're having trouble finding your room, you ought to go back to the desk and ask again. I thought I was on the first floor; turns out, my room is on the 64th floor!"
Monick rolled her eyes and waved me aside. "Girl, I got floors two through eight."

"What?" I asked in amazement.
Still walking away, Monick called back to me, "I got a lot of work to do!"
...And I woke up laughing.
This morning at work, I remembered the dream and went to Monick's cubicle to tell her about it. She laughed, and then told me I had no idea what that story actually meant to her.
A few minutes later, she walked into my office and told me her story. Sunday, she preached her sermon at the church she pastors (in addition to working a weekday job). Monick said, somewhere near the end of her sermon, she passed out and was taken to the hospital. She described it as an attack on her body, affecting her nerves and muscles, robbing her of the ability even to speak. She was in the hospital for a few days before being released when she had sufficiently recovered. Monick said the doctors could not pin her symptoms on any physical ailment and that she believed the attack was spiritual. (Take that however you want; I know a lot of people have vastly differing beliefs about terms such as "attack" and "spiritual". I'm just telling you a cool story.)
Monick said, after I had told her about my dream, a scripture came into her mind: "In my Father's house there are many mansions; if it were not so, I would not have told you."
She said that brought to mind my dream image of her needing floors two through eight, because she had so much work to do.
Monick felt God whisper inside her, "I still have a lot for you to do! You're not going anywhere; don't worry."
And doesn't God work in mysterious ways?? WOW. It's amazing how much purpose can lie behind what we might consider to be the simplest of things.
Now I am reminded of another scripture; I read this a few mornings ago. II Thessalonians 1:11 says, "May he give you the power to accomplish all the good things your faith prompts you to do."
Be encouraged with that, and have a great day!