Tonight, I am at a Holiday Inn - Crystal City in Arlington, VA. TOMORROW I fly HOME!!
I have a zillion pictures I want to share. And I already took my sleepy medicine so we'll see how long I last before I crash!
i posted this already but, just to catch us up, this was taken Monday while I was Ubering into Maryland:
I stayed at the Holiday Inn Express near Andrews Air Force Base. I saw neither said Air Force Base nor any sign bearing its name but I'm trusting it was there somewhere.
That day, I went into Chinatown to case the joint I mean to look around...
Then I ate at some Chinese restaurant... I know, right? Like, where'd that come from?? Ha... anyway... I forgot the name. I believe it started with an R and I was unable to pronounce it. The food was a... maz... ing. I did see a lot of people eating noodles out of very large bowls. It looked good but I don't know what it was called. I now have a goal to find some of that for myself.