First, definitions:
So, yes, these two terms appear to be in direct contradiction. BUT... I submit to you that these two labels are subjective. I suggest these terms are laid on people and/or their thoughts and expressions not out of pure fact, but in a way that stems from the opinions and feelings of others. In other words, any definition of "the wisdom of fools" can be made pretty elastic.
This morning, I read the first chapter of I Corinthians in my cover-to-cover adventure through the Bible. I believe, so far, it's been maybe 2 years or more since I started... but I'm taking my time and soaking up as much as I can, as I go. Anyway. I Corinthians chapter 1 has a number of phrases which could each spark a separate group discussion. I want, this morning, to share with you the verses which most stood out to me, as an invitation of sorts to encourage YOU to develop your own thoughts and opinions.
Here, Paul is saying that his purpose is not to sound like an upper-crust scholar when he shares the news of how Jesus made a way for us ALL to be saved by dying on the cross and rising, defeating death once and for all. Paul makes no attempt to use "clever speech" - so that any fancy words of his won't draw attention from the POINT... the point that Jesus' death on the cross is the pinnacle of all Jesus accomplished on earth.
Jesus' death and resurrection was the dynamic breaking point in the world BEFORE and NOW. We are each free to choose on which side of that line we choose to live. Death or life. Which do YOU want? I want LIFE and FREEDOM and all the amazing things that come along with those gifts!
Foolish as in, who in their right mind would suffer all that torture and over-the-top cruelty, all the insults and inhumane treatment... purportedly on behalf of billions of people who neither knew Him nor cared one whit about him! And, yeah, if that's the only part of the story you know about, it does seem an ultimately ludicrous choice... because Jesus took all that punishment of His own free will... it does sound BEYOND foolish!
Jesus, however, existed from before the very beginning. God is not limited to our human span of vision; God knows the WHOLE plot, from before the beginning to all though unending eternity!, So, to Jesus, what others considered foolish made perfect sense; it was the purely logical next step in God's communication of BOUNDLESS love for us... love so boundless, Jesus did what seemed foolish to so many who did not know, to borrow words from Paul Harvey, "the rest of the story."
So, think about it: those claiming the cross was foolishness are actually fools themselves, because they are taking their stance without knowing all the facts.
Sometimes those of us who independently declare ourselves wise are the most foolish of all.
People claimin' "they all that"... bring to my mind an image of an ant, standing up, ranting and raving about what he thinks he knows... without knowing a big human foot is about to land squarely on top of him.
I submit to you, the wisest thing to do is admit we are not at all wise on our own. Admitting to God that, on our own, we are fools... opens us up to God's wisdom! When we follow God's wisdom rather than our own haphazard paths, we will be led down a firm and sturdy road paved with unshakable, dependable TRUTH. And we will walk this road not alone, but in the company of a LOVE greater than our feeble minds can even begin to imagine.

I wish you a day of seeking and living in God's true wisdom.