I also love spoken word.
I like to hear each; to toss them from hand to hand in my mind.
I stretch and bend my capacity for understanding. I try to hear past the surface and discover to what the artist, in each case, is really pointing.
Lately, I like spoken word just more enough that I feel I'm missing out whenever I fill my listening space with songs instead of stories.
Both are good; neither is bad... just, sometimes, you have to choose.
Life is full of choices. From huge choices such as who will be your partner in life... to small choices such as which haircut to get or what to watch on tv. What to eat. Where to go. Choice after choice after... after choice.
Let's pray we all make the best possible choices for each situation in which we find ourselves. Let's not over-stress over the smaller choices. Also, let's not freak the freak out over the big choices. Let's put it all in God's hands, take one step at a time at whatever speed is comfortable for us, and build our safe places from bricks of trust.
Today seemed like a long day. Well, YESTERDAY kind of did, too. Yesterday, Lena bought me a haircut and I bought us dinner afterward. Today, I went to VisionWorks, had an eye exam, and cashed in on their sweet deal of two pairs of glasses for one decent price. I should have them in around 4 days; nice.
Shockwave, and I'm just going to say this like ripping off a bandaid... I have now crossed the bridge into bifocals-land. I am still a little shocked and emotionally staggering a bit. Yet another adjustment to make as I careen down the steep, winding road of life... heh....
Anyway, after my optometric experience, I went to make a bank deposit,
Once I got home, I wrestled Hippie into his cat carrier because it was time for his annual vaccination.
Lena, my dame in shining armour, carried our furry little piece of lead because I am still not supposed to carry heavy things.
(Hippie weighed in today at 14.9 pounds. Plus the few pounds' weight of the carrier... and I am not to lift more than 10 pounds as my insides are still healing.)
On the way home, Lena bought us dinner from Brewbacher's. That was really nice.
Earlier today, driving to the vet's office, Lena and I were talking about how God keeps every promise made to us, and how God provides everything we need. Lena asked me, "Nicole, do we ever need anything?"
I asked her what she meant. She said, "Is there ever anything we need, that we don't have?"
I told her honestly, "No, I don't think there is. I don't believe, in my whole life, I have ever had to go without something I needed."
For that truth, I am so very grateful. Growing up, and even still today, I might not have (or have had) the fanciest, most expensive versions of things, but I have always had what I bottom-line NEEDED. Without. One. Exception.

(Couldn't resist. LOL)
God is good.
Well, Monday the 1st will be the day I return to work.
So I am going to make the most of this finale weekend to my extensive recovery time. I feel justified in taking off this length of time; I honestly needed it and benefitted from such adequate time to rest and recover more fully.
It will still be a few weeks before I can run or work out; can't jostle my insides OR lift for a while yet. I'm thinking about maybe joining Planet Fitness;
Buenas noches- disfruta tus fines de semana!