So this is what I got... well, close to it... there are two drawers where this has one all the way across. The little shelf was broken so I threw it away... and the towel rack was partly broken with the rod missing so I tossed that, too. It was filthy and in rough condition, but I cleaned it off and put it together as best as I could. Never question the mighty ability of duct tape... just sayin'....
So it is now standing in a room in my home, housing my big yarn collection, some craft supplies and some books. I think it will work just fine as long as I don't move it around much. When we someday move out of our current house, I don't think this piece will survive being loaded, going there and being unloaded... but, for the time being, it's pretty cool.
Though, all things considered, including an outrageous shipping fee, I probably paid a lot more for this than I would have paid for the same thing, new from a store. Chalk it up to experience. A LEARNING experience, right?? Riiiight. haha

Last Saturday, I ran just over 9K at the LSU lakes! I had planned out my route ahead of time and was expecting to run 8K but I must have gotten it mixed up in my mind. But still... wow, right? NINE KILOMETERS!! For me, that's a huge accomplishment. My time was below impressive; I did take a lot of walking breaks. But I feel confident that, when the February 16 Mardi Gras Mambo 10K race comes around, I will complete it with no shame.
Here's the route if you want to come cheer me on:

Know what's funny? Okay so I will run the purple line... which starts downtown by the river... and goes all the way right back VERY CLOSE TO MY HOUSE! Seriously, like... If you extend the lines of Gov't, Steele and Acadian, I like right in that triangle. How crazy is that.
For a minute, my thoughts were saying, "Well maybe I could just walk to the race; save having to find a place to park" - but no... that would be a long walk, time-wise. Plus I don't want to wear myself out beforehand. Though it might indeed be a good warmup... hahaha... no way; do you know how early on that Saturday morning I'd have to leave my house to WALK there in time for the race's start? Naaaah. Stevie Nicks (my lil truck) will get me there just fine and be waiting to carry me home when I'm finished.
It was really hard to get up today. Actually I'm still pretty sleepy. Maybe take a cat nap at lunch. It might sound silly, but those really work wonders for me.
Not gonna run this evening.
I ran both Monday and Tuesday evenings... and then, after running last night, I spent a few hours fixing up my new lovely piece of rolling furniture, cleaning out and rearranging the room where it now stands, and today I am TIRED. My muscles aren't sore... they're just... how do I say it... my legs just feel tired. So I will find a different way to spend my evening. Maybe go to a group meeting at a church near my house that I've visited a few times and really like. We'll see!
Be well! I will write again soon.