This morning I read in John about Jesus and the Samaritan woman at the well. He crossed the line of, "OMG, don't talk to those people!" But it turned out for the ultimate best result. Which made me think.
I don't know if my mom instilled in me a lot of fear or just a lot of wise, common sense... but I am afraid of people I don't know. Because, in today's world, for example... you just don't pick up someone thumbing for a ride, for example. Because for all you know they could have a gun or knife or just cruel, brute strength - and hurt, rape, and/or kill you. (I know the woman at the well was not a threat of that sort to Jesus, but hear me out.)
(Like this guy... remember him? haha...)
Sometimes there are people I would like to show kindness to... but I don't. Because they are scary, because doing certain things alone is not safe. Because, while a person might indeed be quite gentile and docile, you just never know. So I keep walking. I guess I could pray for them as I keep walking... yeah, that sounds like a smart option that would meet both goals; showing love while remaining safe and, um, alive.
I just hate that, in this world, I am denied that freedom. Granted, the Bible says that God will protect us in every situation and that we can do as much as "tread on snakes and scorpions" without suffering harm. But the Bible also talks a lot about using wisdom.
Within those confines, how does one show love to others viewed as threats?
I think God is telling me to calm down; that He will never send me into a situation that is unsafe for me. Praying privately as a means of extending compassion is actually far more powerful and effective than inserting your human self into a scenario. Maybe God doesn't fault me when I keep on walking.
I could ramble for hours on topics like this; topics that take up an inordinate amount of my thought time. However, at this time, I shall curtail my rant and proceed further with my day.
I need to run 5.9K today to keep up with my 10K training effort.
Hope you have a great day as well, however you are spending today!