Friday, January 11, 2019

Eleanor Roosevelt and the Mardi Gras Mambo

Hello, hello  😄  Happy Friday, everybody!  I am so glad it's Friday, I hardly know where to begin.

Lately, I have been listening to the audio version of Eleanor and Hick.  The book is a story describing the deeply intimate friendship (with speculation that it went a lot farther than friendship) between Eleanor Roosevelt and the writer/reporter Lorena Hickok.  The story mentions often how Mrs. Roosevelt faithfully wrote and published a column entitled "My Day."  I suppose that would be akin to her being an avid blogger in present times.  I have found inspiration in the life, strength and resilience possessed by Eleanor Roosevelt and, in a small tribute to her, I am going to try to blog more often.
Image result for eleanor and hick
Eleanor and Hick is a great read.  I have always been fascinated by tales of Eleanor Roosevelt and this look more deeply into her personal life is both gripping and compelling.  So READ IT, READ IT, READ IT!!!!  

So.  I have registered to run a 10k in February called the Mardi Gras Mambo.

Image result for mardi gras mambo 10k (full transparency... that is not nor will it be me) 😎

Due to a lack of time to prepare, I have tweaked a recommended schedule to kind of fast-track my training.  Yesterday I ran (okay, with a little walking) just over 5k (3.3 miles) in 39 minutes.  This translates to about a 7-minute kilometer or an 11-minute mile.  That achievement makes me happy!  Plus, you burn crazy amounts of calories when you run, which I also need to do.  My goal is to finish the 10k in less than an hour.  If I keep up my training and go into the race with a stubborn, hard-headed mindset (I'm good at that, ha ha ha...) I believe that goal is very attainable.

Image result for clip art determined runner (<--- me in a best-case scenario, pero sin la cola de caballo)

One thing that really helps me in running is listening to MUSIC!  Not every song is the best running song but, when I find one that's just the right pace and each footfall is right on the beat, I feel excited and energized, and can usually run faster than at other times during my route for the day.

For example, here are a few songs I listened to yesterday that were my ideal pace:

Image result for WHAM!   WHAM - Wake Me Up Before You Go, Go

Image result for eddie money   Eddie Money - Take Me Home Tonight  (maybe it's the eyebrows... but this picture reminds me of an early Melissa Etheridge...)

Image result for mr. mister   Mr. Mister - Kyrie  (ONE OF MY FAVORITE SONGS EVER!!!)

Image result for nickelback   Nickelback - How You Remind Me

One song that encouraged me to really push hard was Kenny Loggins - Footloose.  I could have either run in smaller steps, or let it all go and run in fast strides!  I did some of both and, especially the fast, long strides, it was AWESOME!  It was like I was flying!

Other songs with a great pace for me:

Image result for cyndi lauper i drove all night   Cyndi Lauper - I Drove All Night.

Image result for brandi carlile RECENT PICTURE   Brandi Carlile - Turpentine  AND  the song Dreams... that's ma GRRL!!!!!!!  One of my ultimate favorite artists of all time, and she JUST KEEPS GETTING BETTER AND BETTER!!!!!!


And some songs I LOVE but they just don't really line up with a comfortable pace for me... but I run to them because they are AWESOME SONGS and make me feel invigorated.  Such as... most songs by Blue October.  LOVE ME SOME BLUE OCTOBER!!  

Image result for blue october   ...this band is evidence of what I have learned in my own experiences... that bipolar individuals can me MEAN but they are also VERY, INCREDIBLY PASSIONATE!  (RIP MLW)

Also, a good many songs by Pink.  I am freakin crazy about Pink and how she doesn't give a SHIT; just expresses herself in her awesome way and walks off.  I.  LOVE.  P!NK.

Image result for artist p!nk SINGER WILD

So that's me for right now.  Oh, also kicking around ideas for a book... it's been suggested to me I might consider writing a book.  So we'll see how that plays out.

Okay, have a great weekend!!  Get out there and pound out some miles if you're so inclined!
