First of all, surprise surprise, it turns out my job with LDAF is going to pay me FAR MORE than I was making at Albemarle, not less!
I mean substantially more. God is so, so good to me. I start Monday. I have to remember, today, to call and make sure of what time I need to be there, as well as what time I get off... I can plan when I will go to CROSSFIT!!
I have started Crossfit again... well, actually, I went to a class this past Monday and have been in so much pain since then, I have not yet gone a second time. Maybe today. But, believe me, the pain is REAL when you have to white-knuckle the edge of the bathroom sink, grimacing, to slowly lower yourself down onto the toilet to pee. Just sayin.
Two months of not much, then one hour of severe intensity can just about kill a person. We did this:
Arch hold is laying on your stomach, lifting your chest and thighs and extending your arms like Superman.
Hollow rocks are... basically, laying on your back in the shape you would be in if you were laying in a hammock...
...and rocking forward and backward like a teeter totter. 😀
Then, the part that did me in... AMRAP means "as many reps as possible" AKA as much as you can do... in this, for 3 minutes... rest 2 minutes... then go at it from wherever you left off... four times.
Power snatches...
and Air Squats
Hence, the miserable state in which existed my quadriceps, obliques and probably a few other muscle groups whose names I do not know.
Seriously... I was hobbling around like an achy old man, even yesterday!
Again, I'm contemplating going again today, but not sure. The workout lists practicing handstands. My head does not like being upside down, ever since that traumatic brain injury in 1992. We're talking explosive dizziness.
But we'll see. Maybe I can get the workout adjusted around handstands.
In other news.. Lena's older brother has been staying with us for a few weeks now. He will be here a few more weeks. I like him; he is easy to be around and has a great sense of humor. He had not seen Lena for almost 15 years so this was quite the reunion! She begged him to stay longer than he had originally planned so they could spend as much time together as possible. I am glad to see her reconnecting with some more of her family. He is kid #4 and she is kid #8, out of 8 kids in their family. All the siblings are spread out all over the place. She also got to see another brother recently... kid #5, if you will. Now she has a picture of the 3 of them together, and I love the happiness on all their faces.
Tropical Storm Cindy is just about through, I believe. Got a little hard rain here in Baton Rouge but not much more than that. Any mention of "possible flooding" gets most people nervous down here, after the August flood last year... but we are ok.
I am gathering some really interesting stories from my Uber passengers. I'd like to work some of those into blog posts as well. I used to have a separate blog about different people's stories but I think now I will weave all that into this one blog.
Okay, that's all for now. I continue plodding my way through the book of Numbers. Today I finished chapter 35. Good stuff!
Have a great day!