What I'm getting so far is that Deuteronomy, or at least the beginning of Deuteronomy, is like a Cliff Notes version of the events experienced and instructions given to the Israelites while they wandered in the desert before entering the Promised Land.
Seems to me like Moses is giving them a recap so that he can die, according to what God has told him, and then they can go in and take the land that God has been promising their people for generations upon generations.
Sometimes it takes a long time for God's promises to come to pass in our lives.
But God always, always keeps God's word. And if it takes a long time, God always has a reason. I don't believe God does anything at random. God is very precise and intentional. I really appreciate that; it makes me feel secure and taken care of. Amazing God.
So, back in April I was laid off from my job. I was devastated.
But time has passed, and tomorrow morning I will report to my new job! So, in the meantime...
- I have learned to trust God even more, because all my needs have been met, one way or another, when the time came.
- I got to work a part-time job at Tuesday Morning, one of my very favorite stores in the world. I got to do what I have always wished I could do; take really neat and cool products and arrange them on shelves to make them look nice.
(**not the store I worked at; I found this pic online. just for the record. LOL)
- AND I got a 20% employee discount at this favorite store of mine!
- AND I got to know a bunch of awesome people, and have come out of it with a few friendships I did
not have before!
- I started driving for Uber and learned again the awesomeness that is diversity. I drove around with people with a wide variety of appearances, personalities, and STORIES! And you know I love stories. 😳

- I got more practice interviewing, and learned to just BE MYSELF instead of trying to be what I thought the interviewers might want me to be. And the interview I went into with the mentality of, "Screw this, I don't care, I'm just gonna relax and be me" - THAT is the job I was hired for! So there! LOL
- Finally, I have started back to Crossfit which is something that challenges me, increases my endurance, builds my strength, helps me to lose a little weight, and really just makes me feel awesome.
So that kind of feels like the final piece to the puzzle, and I feel now that my life is pretty much back on track at last!
So it's been a wonderful two months or so. I've also had a lot more free time to work in my altered book/art journal, which has been very freeing and has helped my creativity to push out of the moss and overgrowth that cover it when I don't use it enough.
So, life is fantastic today. And Lena's brother Danny just went for a walk and came back with a 6-pack of Abita Amber just for me! So today will be that much more fantastic.
Here's to more good days to come! Have a great day and a great week!