That's roughly five months. There was no mold remediation, there were no piles of soggy trash out by the road, and no fleet of giant debris removal trucks like we had here, recently, in Baton Rouge.
We had water standing for about a week. This was the whole world, and it was five months, with water that rose high above the highest mountain tops... not just to the rooftops of houses. The world was essentially a fishbowl, with one comparatively tiny boat sailing the surface and carrying the remnant of all human and animal life on earth.
And, when all was sufficiently washed away, the ark landed on Mt. Ararat, here:
Some claim to have found the actual ark:

There are different opinions as to the legitimacy of this discovery but, if you're interested, I found a National Geographic story about it HERE.
I bet that was a beautiful day... fresh air, the sun bright in the blue sky, maybe a cool breeze... and the fresh feeling of a new start. I know that feeling and it's awesome. I love feeling that way. God can do that for anyone who asks; wash away all the old, messy filth and give us a NEW start. We can have a breath of fresh, clean air and the secure feeling that everything has brand-new potential to be very, very good.
The quality of life we live is totally up to us; God gives us that choice. So wonderful.
Genesis 8:18 - "So Noah, his wife, and his sons and their wives l
v. 20 - "Then Noal built an altar to the Lord, and there he sacrificed burnt offerings...".
v. 21 - "And the Lord was pleased with the aroma of the sacrifice."
"'I will never again curse the ground because of the human race...'."
v. 22 - "'As long as the earth remains, there will be planting and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night'."
Just like Ecclesiastes - for everything, there is a season... and a time for every purpose under heaven.
It's a good day. Get out there and live it!
Nicole 😉
Just like Ecclesiastes - for everything, there is a season... and a time for every purpose under heaven.
It's a good day. Get out there and live it!
Nicole 😉