Sunday, September 20, 2015

Bedtime Sunday

So, the Emmys are on and I'm watching some guy I have no idea who he is receiving an award for something I've never heard of. But that's cool, because Lady Gaga was the one who gave him the award. She actually looks nice tonight I mean not that she doesn't look nice most of the time; I just never thought of her as attractive but tonight... Tonight, she kind of has it.

It is Sunday night. I have to go to work in the morning. Not looking forward to that, but... It will be ok. I'm in kind of a mood of "who gives a crap." I don't feel like taking a bath so I'm probably not. I don't feel like going to sleep right now so I'm probably not. Because when I get up tomorrow morning ,whether or not I have taken a bath and no matter what time I fall asleep, I will be tired. Then I will go to work and sweat. So, who cares.

Lately, I find myself fascinated by Kate Winslet. I do that. I get very interested in one actor or actress and try to see every movie they have made. So now it's Kate Winslet. Last night, Lena and I watched Revolutionary Road. It was a fascinating movie but ended very sadly. One thing about Kate Winslet is, in almost every movie I've seen of her so far she's had sex. And last night was the second time I saw her die. So, yeah, Kate Winslet is the shit. She is an amazingly talented actress and plays each role distinctly to the character in each story. Meaning she's not just the same person saying words in a bunch of different settings. She creates true, distinct characters each time.

Wow. Now on the Emmys is a woman showing way more cleavage than I would like to see on her. It's actually a bit nauseating. So let me avert my eyes, haha.

Some show named olive kitteridge keeps winning and I have never heard of it before. Of course, I don't have cable so its probably on something like HBO or whatever. I don't think I'm missing out on anything, though. I just have one less billl than a lot of people do. Hahaha yes I was right, they just said HBO

Now this woman who is talking sounds drunk. I think it's funny; she looks really frazzled and frizzy and she sounds drunk and she's making an ass of herself on television. Awesome. Because when you're a celebrity, you can do that and get away with it and also get paid for it. Nice. I showed up at work one time apparently still a tad drunk from the night before and learned my lesson to never do that again. Now I'm watching people get paid to be drunk representing their jobs on live television. How cool is that. I'll tell you, it's not cool, it sucks. Whatever.

Lena is not in the room right now or she would be staring at me cockeyed the way I am talking into my phone like this. Yeah, I've kind of grown addicted to this talk instead of type feature on smartphones these days. It's so much easier, & I think so much faster than I can type, especially on a phone., that it just works better.

Now Lena has come in the room but she's not looking at me, she's looking in her bedside table. Poor thing, she has not been feeling good all weekend. She's a trooper though, and she's taking the time to rest so that she can press forward tomorrow and go to work and get done what she needs to get done. Gotta respect that.

I was just earlier watching season 4 of Breaking Bad and these people were drunk and high continuously for what seemed like a week's time at this guy's house, Jesse Pinkman, and he kept supplying them with loads and loads of pizza so now I kind of have a yen for pizza. But, no pizza for me.

I need to go wash my face and brush my teeth, do the whole floss routine, and go to bed. Lucky me, I am NOT going to work on Tuesday so I have that to look forward to. Yeah... Going to the vagina doctor on Tuesday... But at least I won't be going to work, ha! & I will leave you with that thought. Good night, America! Have a great Monday.