Yesterday, I met with a group of runners at Varsity Sports in Baton Rouge to run an "Easy 5" - from Varsity to the LSU Parade Grounds, around, and back to start. These people are FARRRRRRRRR better runners than I am. Add that to the fact that I've been pretty lazy this winter, and it is easy to see why I quickly ended up last in line and far behind everyone else.
But that was okay. I really didn't mind. For ME, the distance I had run was pretty darn good, and I felt good about that.
I slowed to a walk and made my way over to the edge of University Lake. The last time I sat out there, God spoke to me. I thought maybe He would again.
The last time I sat out at the lake (also taking a break from a run, haha...) God spoke to me about His will. When I was younger, knowing "God's will for my life" was a big, glamorous, exciting, WOW kind of thing. Like, learning the secret plan... learning the big picture of all the exciting, very important things God had in store for me. That day, I felt God saying His will for my life didn't have to be one huge, big-picture type of thing. His will can be for this week, this day, this moment. It doesn't have to be so huge and mysterious. It doesn't have to be overwhelming. God's will is simple.
I left the lake that day with peace and a smile.
Yesterday, I sat down on the cold ground and looked at my surroundings. The lake, the sky, the clouds, the birds. Clearing my mind; I didn't want to put words in God's mouth. *soft laugh* You know what I mean.

I was watching this little boy and this man feed bread to some geese. It started with 2 big geese. Then more geese came. Then a bunch of ducks swam ashore. Then a bunch of smaller birds swam ashore. Then group after group of ducks and pigeons and other birds flew in, skidded a landing on the water, and waddled with all the little duck-speed they could muster, over to the bread-givers. It was really amazing to me... I couldn't count all these moving creatures, but I know there were over 50 birds there once they stopped arriving.
I thought, "They're coming because they heard that's where the good stuff is." And I felt like God was saying, GO WHERE THE GOOD STUFF IS!

The birds were not shy, either, about coming up to these large humans seeking bread. They knew what they wanted, and fear was not an issue. And I felt like God was saying, DON'T BE AFRAID!

I watched for awhile longer and walked away smiling. God has good stuff. We need to go get it! And not be afraid.
That makes me feel anticipatory and excited! Maybe not today, maybe not next week or even next month, but good stuff will become available and I (and YOU!) need to pursue it with fearless abandon.
Have a great day. :)