Well, first we went to my house where I let Luna out for a minute and then changed out of my work clothes. After a few minutes, the three of us (my friend, my dog and myself) set out walking to our intended destination.
It was a burned house. It was a BIG burned house. One that, apparently, I had passed dozens of time before but that had never caught my eye in its "normal" state.
I know the loss of this house- someone's home- had to be traumatic and horrible for whoever lived there. I believe, however, there is an abstract beauty in tragedy... so we captured it on film... oops, I mean on digital memory cards, ha... and here is some of what we came away with:
My friend spotted this one - see the "person" in the window? Ooooohhhhhh... haha... creepy!
And the face of the house...
Moving in closer...
The ceiling:
Just so all gone... just... gone.
Once the front door. I wonder who the last person was to pass through that door, and under what circumstances....
There is beauty in mystery, beauty in the unknown, beauty in the seemingly imcomplete... and while this story is incomplete to me, the biography of this house is absolutely over and finished.
Rain had fallen all day. When we first got to my house, the sky was sunny and mildly bright. When we started out on our walk, clouds had once again begun to gather. As we were finishing up, the rain returned.
One light-hearted picture of a nearby building, taken when the rain was still a light sprinkling... we laughed about how awesome it would be to go in there and get Cokes for 5 cents apiece! :)
We began our trek homeward. The rain increased. And more... and then more... and then we were taking a leisurely walk through a heavy downpour!! We got SO wet! But we had fun too.
Got to my house, fumbled to unlock the door, and I sent my friend straight to the shower. When she got out, I jumped in... jumped back out and got Luna... the two of us jumped back in and got clean. Poor baby was already wet...might as well have her come out of it smelling better. :)
PJ's, socks, wiping wet floors, drying the wet dog, wiping the floors again, opening a bottle of something-or-other Savignon, and collapsing on the couch to watch some non-thought-requiring TV. All in all, a great afternoon and a great adventure.