2. Open a beer bottle
3. Wash a plate
4. Search through a stack of papers
5. Take my bra off. (I can take off someone ELSE's bra with one magical little hand movement... pretty impressive if I do say so myself... but my OWN?? Totally different quest, hehe...)
6. Wash my hair... I have not tried this yet but the moment of imminence is swiftly approaching.
7. Dig through a file drawer
8. Put socks on
9. Button pants... you get the picture; basically DRESSING has become quite a challenge... as well as undressing...
10. Lifting heavy-ish things I'm usually expected to lift at work.
11. Remove, wash, insert contact lenses
Etcetera. Here is what my un-useable hand looks like:
And here is my hand today, sporting this lovely, specially-altered glove which serves several purposes: a- mostly conceals the BRIGHT PURPLE WRAP thereby eliminating many of the inquiries I would otherwise receive. b- protects it from my occasional clumsy bumping of malady in question. c- makes it hard for me to use that hand which is good because I'm not supposed to use it anyway.
The end of this day is slowly approaching and for this I am glad. Christmas is this weekend! Snuck up on me... but I plan on enjoying it.
Feliz Navidad!!