Not sure what she thinks of me. Though she did make a comment about how ironic it is that all kinds of people want to get back in touch with you when you become interested in someone… she did say the exact words “interested in someone” while sitting with me.
She is deaf… she can speak just fine, and hear a LITTLE… and relies a lot on lip-reading. She does best with people who are good with sign language. So I’m glad I know some ASL. I want to get to know her better.

She is also a writer. She works on a poetry collection and also is 4 or 5 chapters into a novel. She let me read two poems and the first chapter of her book. Very, very intriguing stuff.
She shared a few very personal things with me... those things are safe with me and will go no further than that Starbucks table where they were spoken. I respect her for her honesty.